
our influence

- Give, and you will have.
- Teach, and you will learn.
- Listen, and you will be understood.
- Live with kindness, and kindness will live with you.
- Respect, and you will be respected.
- Be truthful, and it will be nearly impossible for others to deceive you.
- Keep a generous spirit, and your life will be filled with abundance.
- Seek to bring out the best in others, and they'll give you the best that they have.
- Give your genuine encouragement to those who thirst for it most, and you'll be encouraged beyond all measure.
- Speak positively of your world, and your world will be a rich and fulfilling place.
- The world you influence with your thoughts, words and actions is the world in which you live.
- Always be your best, and that world is a great place to be.

- Ralph Marston


Anonymous said...

Influence is a term that refers to the ability to indirectly control or affect the actions of other people or things. The meaning of influence therefore depends on who or what is being affected, and to what end.

IN BRIEF: The power to act on or affect persons or things.

Mediocre said...

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