आज भोली जताततै मिस नेपालको चहलपहल रैछ आफु भने दिन रात कम्प्युटरमै बेस्त भइने । अस्ती बजार तिर घुम्न गएको त जताततै
मिसनेपाल नै मिसनेपाल होर्डिङ् बोर्ड् मा, बिजुलिका पोलमा जताततै एत्रतत्र सर्बत्र। क्या काम् पाएछन् ad agency ले जस्तो लाग्यो। सधैंको जस्तो यसपालि पनि BICC भित्र भब्य मिसनेपालको प्रोग्राम हुने होला बाहिर चाँही बिरोध गरेर स्वागत गर्न राखिएको ढोका भत्काउने होलान, आखिर् केहि हुने भन्या होइन, किन बिरोध गर्नु पर्यो। बेकारमा समयको बर्बाद।
मलाइ त कहिलेकहि सोचेर अजिब लाग्छ बा यि मिस नेपालहरु मिस् वोर्ल्ड् मा गएर एउटा लिपस्टिक पनि जितेर आउदैनन अझ तिनिहरु कै फाइफुइ धेरै हुने। अझ live program पो हेर्न पर्छ त स्टेजमा गएर बोल्नै नसकेर राता पिरा हुन्छन, एक महिना सम्म personal development गर्दा रैछन स्टेजमा आएर त बिर्सने रैछन कि क्या हो । हा हा ।
अनि अर्को कुरा नि VJ, RJ अनि music video खेल्न मिस नेपालनै हुन पर्छ र? मिस नेपालको इतिहासले त एस्तै भन्छ मिस नेपाल हुन लागेको १०औ बर्ष हुदा पनि International level मा कसैले पनि आफ्नो नाम उज्जल बनाएको देखिएन।
आजको दिनमा नेपालको डाटा हेर्ने हो भनेको ५०% महिला पनि शिक्षित छैनन र अझै पनि महिलाहरु अत्याचार र अध्यारोमा पिल्सन बाध्य छन्। कठै उनको पनि रहर् होलानि मिसनेपाल हुने , फरर एङ्लिश् बोल्ने, पत्रीकामा नाम निकाल्ने, Interview दिने आदि इत्यदि। कठै यिनको रहर कस्ले बुझिदिने?
यदि talent hunt नै भनेको हो भने आफ्नो खुबी देखाउन मिसनेपाल प्रोग्राम मै जान पर्छ भन्ने छैन। competition नै हो भने मेची देखि महाकाली सम्मका सबैलाइ समान रुपमा ल्याउन सक्नु पर्यो ।
मेरो लागि त रुबी राणा भन्दा पासाङ ल्यामु शेर्पा नै महान नारी हुन जस्ले सगरमाथा चुमेर सबै नारीको प्रेरणा बनिन्, मेरो लागि उषा खड्गी भन्दा उषा नेपालनै महान नारी हुन जस्ले नेपालकै पहिलो सिडियो हुने आट गरिन, मेरो लागि पायल शाक्य भन्दा त "शिरिस् को फूल" लेख्ने पारीजात नै उच्च छिन जस्ले मदन पुरस्कार समेत जितिन् , मेरा लागि माल्भिका सुब्बा भन्दा मन्जुश्री थापा नै प्रेरणाकि स्रोत हुन जस्ले आफ्नो अमुल्य कृति दिएर हरेक नारीलाइ उठ्ने आवाज दिईन ।

मलाइ त कहिलेकहि सोचेर अजिब लाग्छ बा यि मिस नेपालहरु मिस् वोर्ल्ड् मा गएर एउटा लिपस्टिक पनि जितेर आउदैनन अझ तिनिहरु कै फाइफुइ धेरै हुने। अझ live program पो हेर्न पर्छ त स्टेजमा गएर बोल्नै नसकेर राता पिरा हुन्छन, एक महिना सम्म personal development गर्दा रैछन स्टेजमा आएर त बिर्सने रैछन कि क्या हो । हा हा ।
अनि अर्को कुरा नि VJ, RJ अनि music video खेल्न मिस नेपालनै हुन पर्छ र? मिस नेपालको इतिहासले त एस्तै भन्छ मिस नेपाल हुन लागेको १०औ बर्ष हुदा पनि International level मा कसैले पनि आफ्नो नाम उज्जल बनाएको देखिएन।
आजको दिनमा नेपालको डाटा हेर्ने हो भनेको ५०% महिला पनि शिक्षित छैनन र अझै पनि महिलाहरु अत्याचार र अध्यारोमा पिल्सन बाध्य छन्। कठै उनको पनि रहर् होलानि मिसनेपाल हुने , फरर एङ्लिश् बोल्ने, पत्रीकामा नाम निकाल्ने, Interview दिने आदि इत्यदि। कठै यिनको रहर कस्ले बुझिदिने?
यदि talent hunt नै भनेको हो भने आफ्नो खुबी देखाउन मिसनेपाल प्रोग्राम मै जान पर्छ भन्ने छैन। competition नै हो भने मेची देखि महाकाली सम्मका सबैलाइ समान रुपमा ल्याउन सक्नु पर्यो ।
मेरो लागि त रुबी राणा भन्दा पासाङ ल्यामु शेर्पा नै महान नारी हुन जस्ले सगरमाथा चुमेर सबै नारीको प्रेरणा बनिन्, मेरो लागि उषा खड्गी भन्दा उषा नेपालनै महान नारी हुन जस्ले नेपालकै पहिलो सिडियो हुने आट गरिन, मेरो लागि पायल शाक्य भन्दा त "शिरिस् को फूल" लेख्ने पारीजात नै उच्च छिन जस्ले मदन पुरस्कार समेत जितिन् , मेरा लागि माल्भिका सुब्बा भन्दा मन्जुश्री थापा नै प्रेरणाकि स्रोत हुन जस्ले आफ्नो अमुल्य कृति दिएर हरेक नारीलाइ उठ्ने आवाज दिईन ।
Here is the beautiful quote I got from my sister.
One beautiful heart is better than
thousand beautiful faces...
लौ सबैको भलो होस्।
नेपालको आधा युवा युवती बिदेशमा छन । नेपालमा भएकाहरु गाउतिरका जनसेना बने होलान । शहर बजारका युवाहरु पप गायक, युवतिहरु मोडेल ।
ya archana ji i am 100% in your side,we nepali only want to take a shortcut to sucess....but there no such shortcut to success in life. miss nepal is only a biz show the real miss nepal are the women you have mentioned above.
Archana Ji:
We are making comment on "Miss Nepal" issue because it's a part of "show biz". Like, you I respect Parijat, I honor Pasang Lamhu and many other ladies who worked in their own way but Miss Nepals are made to show an icon at least within the Nepal. So, I have no comments on this event. This is just another side of life
"मेरो लागि त रुबी राणा भन्दा पासाङ ल्यामु शेर्पा नै महान नारी हुन जस्ले सगरमाथा चुमेर सबै नारीको प्रेरणा बनिन्, मेरो लागि उषा खड्गी भन्दा उषा नेपालनै महान नारी हुन जस्ले नेपालकै पहिलो सिडियो हुने आट गरिन, मेरो लागि पायल शाक्य भन्दा त "शिरिस् को फूल" लेख्ने पारीजात नै उच्च छिन जस्ले मदन पुरस्कार समेत जितिन् , मेरा लागि माल्भिका सुब्बा भन्दा मन्जुश्री थापा नै प्रेरणाकि स्रोत हुन जस्ले आफ्नो अमुल्य कृति दिएर हरेक नारीलाइ उठ्ने आवाज दिईन ।"
No words to explain how much I agree with this. But let me tell you sth about the last Miss Nepal- she has inspired a whole generation of Nepali women I think with her wit and social service than her beauty.
I can only hope if the women of this country could do sth good- sth like taking charge of this country in their own hands.
I strongly believe, here most of the girls would think of 'ruling' hundred wealthy men than doing sth good for a orphan or homeless children.
They surely know how to speak in an animated tone- but they seldom talk honestly about the grief of poor people around themselves.
I do want to see a women I can respect- whom all our countrymen could respect. I don't think a great Nepali women needs to be born, but I'd say that you can be a good Nepali women- and an example to the world.
Archanaji, I think I shouldn't have missed your previous posts. Hope I'd read more of it in coming days.
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yeah that is absolutely right. i think dabur is using the girls to ad its product. but the girls are not aware that they are being used . they think that it can help them to make up their confidence and personality. if that is true then the title should be "miss Nepal" .instead it should be "miss dabur talent" or sth like that. Miss nepal has very broad meaning. it is being misused and that is the main cause of all these arguments and comments. if Miss Nepal should be held then it should be held in a very proper way not like choosing from only a small group of girls..
I being a typical red-blooded Nepali Keta, I have no problem seeing beautiful women, however, I do have a few issues when it comes to Miss Nepal:
1. Where are all the beautiful Nepali women huh ??? Do they not take part ?? :)
2. Bad Bad makeup !! These makeup artists make girls look like 'I' slapped some makeup myself and decided to be a maruni for a day.. :)
3. Narrow minded Nepali journalists are another problemo... they talk about human rights but they don't even have the common decency to be a bit respectful to their own cheni betiz !!
dear archana well u seem not to agree with the miss nepal concept. i don't agree with u ya there r many women who has encourage to do brave things but still miss nepal is a platform for women to show their talents n talking abt they getting nervous on stage i think 10 yrs is jus the beginning they have to go long ahead n they need lot of training n talking abt platform from purwa mechi to mahakali if gals out there r provided with proper infrastructure then even they can participate we can't drag them to this field for sake of participation of gals frm all region......but i like the way u talked abt some brave women like pasang lamu sherpa,manjushree...
Anonymous, Being a girl I do support each and every program which encourage/motivate the women and I am really glad to support them by all possibilities.
If you say 10 years is just the beginning then when will miss Nepal be able to be a Miss World ??? After 100 years??
I think we have very limited time and need to do lots of homework to compete internationally.
Criticism should be constructive.
Today's Kantipur TV's poll showed (at the moment I watched) that more than 50% people think it's better to quit the Miss Nepal competition. When there are so many sick and narrow minded people in this country- I think it would be a good start by Miss Nepal contestants if they come up with some 'constructive' measures.
But it won't take more than 10 years- the world can't move much slower. And Nepalis ought not to. I think we've enough time if we wish to crawl. We're already centuries behind them. I hope we'll be able to take that great leap forward soon.
Education- women needs to be educated before anything else.
Ya all I can say is its all the wastage of time and money. If this sponsor companies invest that much money in rural area to eduacate the illetrate children or help building them a good school, then it will be far more better than spending millions and millions of money on those 20 girls....
You don't have to go to beauty contest to show your confidence or make our contry known to the world...Parijat, Pasang, Manjushree they made us and our country proud without winning any beauty contest or gainning any kind of training and without any sponsor..... Aakir ahile ko yetro 10 yrs samma kun Miss Nepal le K garna sakeko chha ra?????La garenai pani kunai kunai le gare holan tara Nepal ko nam nai roshan garne garera ta ahile samma kasaile gareko deknama ayeko chiana jasto lagcha.... Miss Nepal ta euta bahana matra ho!!!!!
Cheers Archu Di!!
Its worldwide, obviously you need to be popular to be featured in a ad. And yes you need to be a girl to act on a commercial for the products which is especially for a girl. Common think how it feels if a boy acted in a commercial for lipstick haha. We have a small market which means we have small choices for the famous girl. I am sure if archana acted in a commercial then there is nothing intresting. If malvika acted on a ad then at least some ladies will be definately attracted to the product but noone knows archana(beside me hehe, she is really beautiful).
What I meant to say is you need to be famous to act in a ad or in a movie and whateva. Miss nepal is the way to start like other.
I also like to comment on this one
" मेरा लागि माल्भिका सुब्बा भन्दा मन्जुश्री थापा नै प्रेरणाकि स्रोत हुन जस्ले आफ्नो अमुल्य कृति दिएर हरेक नारीलाइ उठ्ने आवाज दिईन "
There are various kind of ladies, you are of manjushree type and someelse can be of malvikas type. Even malvika is being the inspiration for the thousand of ladies who are trying to go in entertainment industries. Manjushree is leading the literature when malvika is doing entertainment stuff. You cant say malvika have no role on such inspiration things. Why do you ignore actually the biggest industry? you may be a book buff so you prefer manjushree, but I like party, music, tv so I prefer malvika.
Rekha thapa and Niruta is not a Miss Nepal but they are doing very good job in film industry and I don’t think to act in Ad, film, music videos they should be Miss Nepal.
Miss Nepal post is very higher post she represent all Nepalese young women so she need support the program like:
-improving the status of women
-increasing the women education rate
-to stop the women violence rather than supporting any commercial ads. She should be ideal of all Nepalese women.
- Preeti
keho yaha ta ladai nai huna lage chha ni? ma pani euta yoddha hun ki kya ho? sankai lagchha. ho you euta tyo khale udhaharan ho jasle sansar bich jhagada lyayo, mahabharat janmayo, ani biswa yudha. maile ke bhaana khojeko ho bhane bichar haru ko ladai nai tyo jad ho jasle yuddha nimtyauchha. you yasto chij ho jaslai rokera pani rokna sakinna. you teti bela samma chalirahanchha jati bela saamma manche yo dharti ma rahirahanchha. je gare pani yo rokna sakinna tara kam bhane garna sakinnchha . tesaile you bichar maan ma rakhera santi purbak sabaile ek aapash ma sadbhav rakhi bichar ko prasphutan garau. sabai ko ramro hos!
Yeha indeed there is much to agree in your post but we cannot be so much baised . I mean Miss Nepal is just a platform . Well it is another issue that most of the Rular population does not have acces . Just because of that you cannot name the whole event as useless and a waste of money.
What suprises me more is the reader's comment . Sombody has once said to me that we nepali are like "bhedas" . Euta ley jey kura laidiyo tehi pachadi dagudyo . Where on the earth is our skeptism.
I would agree with you that pasang lamhu sherpa , parijat , usha nepal are indeed greater than the so called miss nepal's but you cannot ignore the other side of the picture that these woman's also have achived excellence in their own feild . No offence
This one is for this particular line:
Miss Nepal post is very higher post she represent all Nepalese young women so she need support the program like:
-to stop the women violence rather than supporting any commercial ads. She should be ideal of all Nepalese women.
Good point of view from your side but sorry to say, As soon as they win the competition the 1st runner up, second runner up and Miss Nepal gets busy doing the commercial ads for their sponsor companies hoina ra!!!
speed ji le nepali lai "bhedas" bhannu bhayechha, aaphu chahi kun desh ko nagarik parnu bhayechha???
--nepali thito
Mr anonyomous or Miss anonymous or whateva i think you missed the we before the neplai which includes me in the "bheda jamat" as well. Well not only did you miss that we but you miss the whole point of my comment . I was jus trying to say that we are trying to be too much streotypical out here . Its like "ho ho usle bhanyo , sab ley tehi bhani raa chaa,aba ma ni aba tyo jamat bata kina alag rahini " bhanyo ani kura lai sochi nasochi agreement diyo. Tara tyo agreement ma kati ko logic chaa tyo afainlai tha chinna .
Euta platform provide bhayeko chaa nepali female talent lai agadi launi . Tyo pani banda garni bhanchaa . Afganaithan jsto desh ko keti haru international level ko model bhai sakyo hami chain jhiley ni khutta tanni kaam matra garni .I too agree that some negative aspect exists tara whole event lai nai useless bhanera banda garna kojhnu kati ko thik hola . I guess etha comment din haru ma euta sadhana bhayek aru kasailai tha chinna hola why they are sayinhg that . ;)
dont want to get in to further debate .
Miss nepal is over despite of the protest. I think that the new miss nepal was real talanted and i love the answers she gave on the NTV News that nite after being crowned . Its is gud to have a belife but you cannot force your belife upon others .
Plus i also found the claims of the protester really vauge . They are telling that the girls are being used as marketing symbols .Common the girls are over 18 they know what is good for them and what is not. Its not like they are kids . Isint that the same thing when even the male models do that . Well then why ban miss nepal the whole media should be banned . Well talking bout rural represantation well hidden treasure has claimed that spplication forms are made avilable all over and that many participants were from remote parts .
Also that hidden treasure is an orginazation working for women upliftment so i guess they would have done the event with some thinking.
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Archana Ji, I am completely agreed with your articles. Good one ! you covered with good examples.. Good Luck..
Ok, Vision is appriciated so granted but why you mention the laurate women's name with beauty, which i don't like it. It can not imagine that Prijat names wrote with payal shakya. We can not tally dimond with peices of glasses.
Any way Thanks
kipadadu, do you think payel is beautiful :(? she can be ugly in her old age, who knows????
parijat may be beautiful in her young age.
well binod i think he meant other way round
Every coins has two sides..being a beauty pagent's contestant, what i can say about beauty contest is that they are neither too GOOD..nor too BAD..its like so so..
Hajur le ta Miss Nepal lai ta Masi Nepal banai dinu bhayecha... Tyo jani jani garnu bhayeko ho ki galti ho...
Yedi galti ho bhane sudhar garnu paryo ni la ? ?
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