थाकेको छैन हिड्दै छु। समस्या आइ राख्छन सुल्झाउदै छु। ईंग्लिशमा भन्छन नि keep on going हो ठ्याक्कै तेस्तै । मान्छेले आफुलाई पहिला चिन्नु पर्नेरहेछ । त्यस पछी दुनियाँ जगतले जे भने पनि असर नपार्ने रहेछ। पहिला पहिला टिन एज हुँदा म सार्है ठुस्की रिसाहा, कसैले नराम्रो भन्यो कि रिस उठि हाल्थ्यो । कसैले अर्ती उपदेश दियो भने त झन त्यस्को धज्जी उडाइन्थ्यो। बिशेष गरेर मेरो हाइट सानो थियो, सबैले फुच्ची, डल्ली भन्ने, त्यो सुन्यो कि मलाई त सनक चढेर आउथ्यो ।
कहिलेकाहि आफ्नो पागलपन र आडेपन सम्झदा हासो उठ्छ। । तर अहिले चाँही अली कती भए पनि आफुलाइ चिन्ने कोशीसमा छु त्यसैले सिमाना भन्दा बढाइ चढाइ गरेनि फरक पर्दैन र झुर काम नलाग्ने भनेर भुइमा थचारे पनि फरक हुन्न। समय र उमेर सँगै मान्छेको बिचार परिवर्तन हुदो रहेछ। यो परिवर्तन पनि कोहीमा आफ्से आफ आउछ भने कोही अरुको बिचार र प्रेरणाबाट र कोही असल गुरुको ज्ञान पाएर भने, कोही आँफै पढेर।
म तेस्तै १९ बर्षको हुँदा मैले You Can Win भन्ने किताब पढ्न पाएको थिए जिबनमा धेरै किताब पढे पनि मैले यो किताब बाट धेरै सिकेको थिए। हुन त यो किताबलाई अरु किताबबाट चोरेर लेखेको पनि भन्छन तर चोरे पनि जे गरेको भएनि मलाइ त मन पर्यो है। तपाईंले पढ्नु भएको छैन भने पढ्नुस् है त।
Lover's Corner
प्रेम पार्क चहियो भनेर रानीपोखरी/रत्नपार्क एकाइलाई प्रेमी-प्रेमिकाले चिट्ठी लेखे रे। पैसो नभएर भुक्का भएको बेला लभ पार्कमा डन्डुली मार्न ठिकै हुन्छ नि।
लभपार्क चाहिने कुरा हासो ठ्ट्टामा मेरो ब्लगमा धेरै चोटि कुरा उठि सकेको छ। अनी के त सिङ्ल पनि के कम तिनलाई पनि पार्क चाहियो रे अर्काको माया पिरती हेरेर किन डाहा गर्नु, सिङ्ल सिङ्ल एकातिर भएसि तिन्लाई नि चान्स हुन्छ नि जोडी बनाउने। म त पूर्ण मायाबादी!!! देशनै पुरै लभै लभ पार्क पारे नि हुन्छ ।
कमसेकम हाम्रो देशको छबी त मायालु अनी राम्रो हुन्छ। युद्ध लडाईं मार काट पो गर्न भएन माया गर्न के को लाज। आज यती जना मरे आज एती जना अपहरणमा परे भनेर न्युजमा पढ्नु भन्दा आज यती जनाको लव पर्यो, आज यती जोडी मायामा बाधिए भनेर पढ्न नै रमाइलो नि, हैन र ?
ICT:start here go anywhere
I have been receiving heaps of email regarding IT career and IT education. I am going to share the things which I know.
Q1. Is IT good to study?
Yes education is good either you study ICT(Information Communication Technology) or Cookery or Hairdressing or Doctor. But being IT professional I can say it has a bright future. Now everything connected through ICT and wherever you go, It has same language and techniques. You can sell your skills globally.
Q2. What to study to be an IT professional?
Any IT Related bachelor/masters degree or short term professional course. You need to figure out your interest, if you love creative job you may go for web/graphic designing course. If you love animation, you may go for multimedia course. If you love hardware things, you may go for hardware, networking course. In Nepal most of the IT related bachelor degree have all subject basic course but later on you can specialized on your favourite one.
Q3. Is it easy to get job after study?
There are so many IT Company in Nepal and if you are skilled, smart, hardworking and if you can demonstrate well, you can easily get the job.
And don’t think you will get job as soon as you finish your study, you need to have professional knowledge to get good job. As Nepal’s IT college doesn’t provide much professional techniques, you can apply for part time volunteer work while you study so that you can secure the job after you finish your study. Remember the harder you work , the more luck you have. :)
Q4. What kind of Career opportunities will I get?
career in the IT sector has no limits anymore. There are a large number of job roles available for eg. Web/graphic designer, web developer enterprise systems application developer, quality assurance analyst, project manager, multimedia developer, systems architect, business requirements analyst, technical writer, application integration specialist, user interface analyst, contract manager, data warehouse architect, data mining specialist, hardware, network, software and help desk manager etc.
Q5.How much will I earn?
In Nepal most of the IT company’s starting salary is around 8K it goes up to 50K+ per month as per your skills and experience. You can click here for International salary range.
Q6. So how much salary I can expect in the beginning of my career?
When I did Data Entry job after 10+2 in 1998, I got Nrs1500 per month. I was very happy to get that money because that was my first job. In the beginning of your career do not go for money just try to learn as much as you can. After you get few year experiences you can demand your salary in fact you can write your own cheque. ;)
Q7. How do I get job in Nepal?
You need to make professional resume, you can find resume samples in google and you can try apply thru different advertisement published in Newspaper as well as try applying online through jobsnepal.com, merojobs.com, jobvacancynepal.com.np and www..bmjobs.com etc
Q8. What should I do If I do not get job in Nepal?
Do not get dipressed and do not panic. You need to know to sell your skills in global market. There are so many website which provide the home based job. Similarly you can bid the project from www.rentacoder.com, www.elance.com, www.freelance.com etc.
Q9. Will I be successful?
Albert Einstein says "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." Well success has so many definitions. Some people think earning so much money is success, some people think owing big company, big house, luxuries car and getting name and fame is success. But In my view success is satisfaction you get in life. If you are happy and satisfied, you are successful.
Q10. What should I do to be a good IT Professional?
Positive attitude, smart, can do attitude, always willing to learn new things, honest, patience, good communication skills, time calculations, hardworking and team player. Personally I like fun loving and full of humorous people.
At last,
I have some web developer opportunity available, If you are eligible you can apply from here.
Good Luck.
Q1. Is IT good to study?
Yes education is good either you study ICT(Information Communication Technology) or Cookery or Hairdressing or Doctor. But being IT professional I can say it has a bright future. Now everything connected through ICT and wherever you go, It has same language and techniques. You can sell your skills globally.
Q2. What to study to be an IT professional?
Any IT Related bachelor/masters degree or short term professional course. You need to figure out your interest, if you love creative job you may go for web/graphic designing course. If you love animation, you may go for multimedia course. If you love hardware things, you may go for hardware, networking course. In Nepal most of the IT related bachelor degree have all subject basic course but later on you can specialized on your favourite one.
Q3. Is it easy to get job after study?
There are so many IT Company in Nepal and if you are skilled, smart, hardworking and if you can demonstrate well, you can easily get the job.
And don’t think you will get job as soon as you finish your study, you need to have professional knowledge to get good job. As Nepal’s IT college doesn’t provide much professional techniques, you can apply for part time volunteer work while you study so that you can secure the job after you finish your study. Remember the harder you work , the more luck you have. :)
Q4. What kind of Career opportunities will I get?
career in the IT sector has no limits anymore. There are a large number of job roles available for eg. Web/graphic designer, web developer enterprise systems application developer, quality assurance analyst, project manager, multimedia developer, systems architect, business requirements analyst, technical writer, application integration specialist, user interface analyst, contract manager, data warehouse architect, data mining specialist, hardware, network, software and help desk manager etc.
Q5.How much will I earn?
In Nepal most of the IT company’s starting salary is around 8K it goes up to 50K+ per month as per your skills and experience. You can click here for International salary range.
Q6. So how much salary I can expect in the beginning of my career?
When I did Data Entry job after 10+2 in 1998, I got Nrs1500 per month. I was very happy to get that money because that was my first job. In the beginning of your career do not go for money just try to learn as much as you can. After you get few year experiences you can demand your salary in fact you can write your own cheque. ;)
Q7. How do I get job in Nepal?
You need to make professional resume, you can find resume samples in google and you can try apply thru different advertisement published in Newspaper as well as try applying online through jobsnepal.com, merojobs.com, jobvacancynepal.com.np and www..bmjobs.com etc
Q8. What should I do If I do not get job in Nepal?
Do not get dipressed and do not panic. You need to know to sell your skills in global market. There are so many website which provide the home based job. Similarly you can bid the project from www.rentacoder.com, www.elance.com, www.freelance.com etc.
Q9. Will I be successful?
Albert Einstein says "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." Well success has so many definitions. Some people think earning so much money is success, some people think owing big company, big house, luxuries car and getting name and fame is success. But In my view success is satisfaction you get in life. If you are happy and satisfied, you are successful.
Q10. What should I do to be a good IT Professional?
Positive attitude, smart, can do attitude, always willing to learn new things, honest, patience, good communication skills, time calculations, hardworking and team player. Personally I like fun loving and full of humorous people.
At last,
I have some web developer opportunity available, If you are eligible you can apply from here.
Good Luck.
अर्जेन्टिना र ब्राजिलले हारे पछी वर्ल्डकप सकियो रे
अर्जेन्टिना र ब्राजिलले हारे पछी कत्ती नेपालीको मुटु दुखेको छ। वोर्ल्ड कपको दाबेदार मानिएका यि दुई देश हारे पछी यो दुई देश को सपोर्टरहरु अरु गेम नहेर्ने भन्छन नि त हो। अर्जेन्टिनाको हार पछीको फेसबुक का केही रमाइला स्टाटस.......
- मेरो लागि आज बाट वर्ल्डकप सकियो आज बाट मैले वर्ल्डकप हेर्दिन
- Argentina what u did, very bad gift on my B-Day !! sorry for u guys, still cheers for u guys!Argentina
- now holland have to win woldcup.............................????
- Huna ta ma argentina supporter hoina, tara aja malai argentina ko ekdum maya lagi ra cha
- I was not supporting Argentina. It's because simply, I don't want to see Maradona.. naked anymore :)
- I am in a shock... Com'on messi do some magic with your left leg.guys pray for Argentina..
- 4 goals was not ènough . Sud have attempt 11 for each player n 1 more complimentary for maradona ...
- Australia gayooo......Brazilll gayoooo......Aurgerntina gayooo......aba ma pani gayeee ...... Bye bye world cup.....!!!!!!!!
- My Boys are so dissappointed Argentina lost!!! They are sulking, mad, oozing out bad attitude...Hubby didn't even want to speak to me from far far away....How can this game of football have so much effect on my loved ones????
- मेरो लागि आज बाट वर्ल्डकप सकियो आज बाट मैले वर्ल्डकप हेर्दिन
- Argentina what u did, very bad gift on my B-Day !! sorry for u guys, still cheers for u guys!Argentina
- now holland have to win woldcup.............................????
- Huna ta ma argentina supporter hoina, tara aja malai argentina ko ekdum maya lagi ra cha
- I was not supporting Argentina. It's because simply, I don't want to see Maradona.. naked anymore :)
- I am in a shock... Com'on messi do some magic with your left leg.guys pray for Argentina..
- 4 goals was not ènough . Sud have attempt 11 for each player n 1 more complimentary for maradona ...
- Australia gayooo......Brazilll gayoooo......Aurgerntina gayooo......aba ma pani gayeee ...... Bye bye world cup.....!!!!!!!!
- My Boys are so dissappointed Argentina lost!!! They are sulking, mad, oozing out bad attitude...Hubby didn't even want to speak to me from far far away....How can this game of football have so much effect on my loved ones????
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