Investment Bank मा बैंक अकाउन्ट हुने लाई त थाहा नै होला internet banking को पासवोर्ड चेन्ज भएको भनेर । यस्तै बैंकका कुराहरुमा चित्त नबुझेर केही दिन अगाडि ब्लग लेखेको थिए। मलाई लागेको थियो कि यो नाथे ब्लग कस्ले हेर्ला र? तर कसरी कसरी बैंक को कर्मचारी सम्म मेरो ब्लग पुगेछ र त्यसपछी मैले पासवोर्ड पाउने आस्वासन पाए र केही दिनमै मैले पासवोर्ड पनि सजिलै पाए। अहो आफु लाई चित्त नपरेको कुराको त आवाज उठाउनु पर्ने रैछ भन्ने चेतना भयो!! एसो बैंकमा के भै रहेको छ भनेर बुझ्दा त सफ्टवेर चेन्ज गरेर त्यहाँका स्टाफलाई त ग्राहकहरुले आत्थु आत्थु पारेका रैछन। हुन पनि दैनिक जिबनमा चाहिने जस्तो कुरामा हतारो त गर्ने नै भए।
मेरो कुरा सुनेर बैंकको कस्टमर सर्भिसमा बसेकाहरु पनि मुसुक्क हास्न थाले कि? अनी धेरै लाइनमा बस्न नपर्ने गरी काउन्टर पनि बढाउदै छन् कि? जे भए पनि मलाई पासवोर्ड दिलाउन भर्पुर सहयोग गर्ने बैंकको कर्मचारी र साथी लाई धेरै धेरै धन्यबाद।
hahahha, your small efforts really made some changes on investment bank. And they are providing passwords too.
great efforts Archana , keep it up
Dinesh, Bhaktapur
Hi Archana,
Did they send you the password and ID to your email or you went to their "customer (modelling) desk" ?
I am still passing thru the problem.
That's nothing really! Why can't they just backup our userid and password and restore them when they change it. Does we have to wait for 2 days to get userid and password and setup. These are people are still in stone age.
Bank heard you but you didn't hear me!
Could you please tell me how they provided you with the password? You went to the bank or they sent to your email?
Thanks for your reply!
i got from email. thanks
maile pani 'contact us' page bata message pathayeko ahile samma payeko chhaina. Ahile tapai ko blog dherai din pachhi feri herda po tehi problem dekhiyo.
Tapai le aawaz uthaunu parchha bhanne ta ek dam thik ho ... tara sayad publicly thulo aawaz uthaunu pardo rahechha. Tesaile tapai ko kura suniyo, ma ra aru ko aawaz suniyena.
- VG
My Bank of Kathmandu ATM doesn't seem to work at all. Or Maybe, I happen to be at the wrong time when the ATM is out for lunch. Anyways, maybe I should write to BOK and see what happens!
In Nepal, we have to speak for our right or else nobody really cares!
hi archana
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