Sujin.com.np browser Hi-Jack (virus) removal software
पछी पो सम्झे यस्को गाथा त धेरै अगाडि सुनेको थिए, अब हटाउनै पर्यो । यो खासमा pendrive र floppy बाट सर्छ। सर्सर्ती यस्को VB Script Code हेर्दा harmful code त केही देखिएन तर मान्छेहरुलाई आफ्नो कम्प्युटरमा केही unusual देख्यो कि कतै कम्प्युटर क्र्यास होला र डाटा उड्ला भन्ने डर त हुने नै भयो ।
पछि दिउसो तिर काम बिशेषले एउटा अफिस गएको थिए त्यहा पनि sujin.com.np ले हैराननै पारेको रैछ । त्यो अफिसको सबै कम्प्युटरको ब्राउजरमा sujin.com.np सजिएर बसेको थियो। हुन त यस्ले कम्प्युटरलाई खासै effect गर्दैन अली कम्प्युटर चाँही स्लो बनाउछ। तर पनि कम्प्युटर सम्बन्धी ज्ञान नहुँदा मान्छेहरुले कती हैरानी खेप्नु पर्छ त्यस माथि पनि स्पस्ट रुपमा Cyber Law लागु नभएकोले पनि सुजिन(Sujin Joshi, Tangal Lalitpur, Domain Registered Date : 2/1/2006) जस्ताले आफु पपुलर हुन बेफ्वाकमा अर्काको कम्प्युटरको ब्राउजरमा बिना अनुमती मस्त झुन्डिरहेका छन् ।
यदी तपाईंको ब्राउजरमा पनि sujin.com.np देखिन्छ भने तलको software ले हटाउन सक्नु हुन्छ ।
Click here to download Sujin.com.np browser Hi-Jack (Virus-Worm) removal software.
लाईफका प्रसेन्टेजहरु

कहिले काहि लाग्छ यो दिएको उमेर छोटो छ। एकजना युरोपियन कबिलाई पनि आफ्नो उमेर सार्है छोटो लागेछ कुन अर्थमा लागेछ भने आफ्नो प्रेमिकाको ब्याख्या गर्न । यो अहिले पाएको जीवनमा त उनका प्रेमिकाको आँखा मात्र पनि प्रशंशा गर्न भ्याउदैनन रे। वा! लिटरेचर भन्ने चिज नै यस्तै जती कल्पनाको उचाइमा पुगे पनि हुने। यि त भए 18th century का कुरा अहिलेका प्रेमीलाई यस्ता कुरा सुनायो भने त झटारोले हिर्काउछन । बकम्फुसे कुरा भन्लान तर बकम्फुसे फूल त राम्रै हुन्छ भगवानलाई पनि त चढाइन्छ। आँखा हेरेर जिन्दजी बिताउनेमा त आँखाका डाक्टर मात्र होलान जस्तै आँखाका डाक्टर सन्दुक रुइत आँखानै हेरेर कत्ती अवार्ड पाइसके । आहा!! कत्ती लक्की आँखा हरु…..
१०% चाँही बाटो काटेर, हिंडेर काटियो होला कत्ती कामले हिडियो होला कत्ती बेकामले हिडियो होला । ५% चहि खादा खादै बित्यो होला कठै ज्यान पाल्न परि हाल्यो भातको लत बसेको छ, त्यही नखाइ नहुने बिहान बेलुका।
२०% पढाईमा बित्यो होला बिहान देखी बेलुका सम्म स्कुल, कलेज गयो फेरी घर आयो होमवोर्क गर्यो । दिनहरु कसरी बित्यो पत्तै भएन। 0.५% चाँही कलेज बङ्क सङ्क गरेर बित्यो होला सधैं पढ्न मन नलाग्ने कहिलेकाही कलेजबाट भाग्दा पनि रमाइलो नै हुने । 0.५% सरको पिटाइ खाएर बित्यो होला । पिटाइको पुरा गर्दा एकचोटि मैले दरो पिटाइ खाएको याद आयो । ४ मा पढ्दा म्याथ टिचर लक्ष्मण सर भन्ने हुनु हुन्थ्यो। साह्रै कडा मिजासका , सरको लौरो देखेरै डर लाग्ने । एक्दिन सबैलाई blackboard मा simplify गर्न लाउनु भयो र कसैलाई पनि सल्भ गर्न आएन र सबैलाई मेच माथि उठाउनु भयो मलाई अली म्याथ आउने भएकोले लास्टमा गर्न लाउनु भयो मैले पनि खराखर सल्भ गर्दिए ।
त्यसपछी त सरले सबलाई गएर गालामा झापड लगा भन्नु भयो मलाई त पर्नु फसाद पर्यो । आफु भन्दा धेरै ठुला ठुला अग्ला केटाहरुलाई र आफ्नै साथीहरुलाई कसरी झापड लाउने मैले त यो काम गर्न सक्दै सकिन अब झापड लाएर के गर्नु फेरी क्लास सके पछी केटाहरुले झापड बदला लिए भने त म दश गज पर पुग्थे, आफु त फुच्चे मान्छे। तेस्तै सोच्दा सोच्दै सर फेरी कुर्लिए, पिट भनेको सुनेनस फेरी सबैलाई स्कुलबाहिर चौरमा कुखुरा बनाएर राखिदिन्छु भने। अब सबैको अगाडि कुखुरा बन्नु भन्दा बरु साथीकै हातबाट झापड खान बेश लागेछ क्यारे सबै साथीहरुले पिट अर्चना भने अब म बडो दोधारमा परेर टेबल माथि चढेर एक्जना साथीको गाला बिस्तारै हातले के छोएको थिए सर त जङिएर तलाई पिटन आउदैन ल यता आइजा म सिकाउछु भनेर पाच औंलाको डाम बस्ने गरेर झ्याम्म हाने। त्यो झापडले ३ दिन सम्म गाला छोपेर हिंड्नु पर्यो साथीहरुले तेलले गाला मालिस गर्दिएको क्षण पनि बिर्सि नसक्नु छ।
१०% चाहि काम गर्दै बित्यो होला जब देखी काम गरियो सुत्न कम गरियो काममै लत बस्यो फेरी नयाँ नयाँ कुरो एकै चोटि सिक्न मन लाग्ने हाडी घोप्टे बानी।
बाकिको ४% चाँही परिवार सँग रमाइलो गरेर , साथी हरु सँग गफ चुटेर , टि.भी हेरेर , म्युजिक सुनेर आदी इत्यादी गरेर बिताइयो होला । यसरीनै लाइफका प्रसेन्टेजहरु हरु जोड घटाऊ हुँदै जान्छन उमेर बढदै जान्छ Denis Waitley का लाइफ सम्बन्धी सम्झनै पर्ने कुरा:
"Life is inherently risky. There is only one big
risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is
the risk of doing nothing.”
Women changing the world
Information and Communication Technology is still changing our world. Information and communication technology is becoming more pervasive. Convergence between computing, telephony and digital content is really happening. It is no longer a spectre of things to come.
But technological change in society can be daunting. Many people are fearful of change. Government has a responsibility to ensure that changes are managed so as to maximise the benefit to society. Socially, culturally and economically, technological progress creates opportunities.
We are in the midst of social transformation following a period of dramatic technological transformation. How this transformation is managed will determine Australia’s capacity to serve its citizens in the 21st century and beyond and provide inspiration and leadership around the world.
Women have played a remarkable role in this transformation across society. In particular, women working in information and communication technology have shaped the way technology is applied. Women are leaders, trailblazers, entrepreneurs and role models.
These Australian women represent courage and vision: true entrepreneurial spirit. They interpreted how the world would change through the use of the internet. Their respective businesses were managed with impeccable timing and are still achieving phenomenal success.
They pursued a vision that was so new, no-one could give them advice. They used their intuition, skill, determination and grasp of technology to create companies that changed the world.
Tracey Ellery: Looksmart
Tracey is the daughter of working class parents in rural Victoria. She attended public schools before attending Deakin University in Geelong. She met her husband Evan Thornley through student politics and after working as a student services manager she and Evan left their jobs to begin Looksmart in 1995.
The vision behind this internet search engine was to create a family friendly place on the internet. The Looksmart search engine is a huge ‘white list’, with each entry assessed by Looksmart before adding it to their search directly. More than once they were within a hair’s breadth of meeting payroll obligation during the early days of the company. Looksmart shares equity with their employees and has created 18 millionaires among them.
Looksmart as a company has weathered the tech-crash well and Tracey and Evan have recently moved back to Australia from San Francisco. Their three children are testimony to Tracey and Evan's ability to get the balance right between family and work.
Kelli Fox: Astrology.com
Kelli Fox began Astrology.com in the spare room of their house. She built the web site at night and on weekends. Her commitment to her profession of Astrology drove her vision to provide more personalised services to customers. Her understanding of both computing and effective communication gave her the insight as to how this could be achieved through the internet.
Astrology.com was then purchased by i-village, a New York based company well before the peak of the dot-com bubble. Kelli and her husband David stayed on to independently manage astrology.com from San Francisco and have only recently moved on to other challenges. Astrology.com continues to drive a phenomenal amount of traffic on the i-village site and Kelli’s concept has inspired many other services companies on the ‘net.
Lyndsay Cattermole, founder of Aspect Computing, one Australia’s largest and and most successful software and services companies. Lyndsay started computer programming and systems analysis in the early 70’s. She founded Aspect in 1974 and when it was sold to Kaz Computing in 2002, it had 1300 employees. Lyndsay’s leadership qualities have been recognised over the years through here appointment to many community boards and councils.
Lyndsay Cattermole is another great role model n ICT in Australia. She joins the ranks of inspiring individuals.
Important Repetitions for LIFE!!
regardless of the odds against you,
and the pressure that tears at your resistance
... means COURAGE.
Keeping a smile on your face,
when inside you feel like dying,
for the sake of supporting others
...means STRENGTH.
Stopping at nothing,
and doing what's in your heart,
you know is right
Doing more than is expected,
to make another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint,
Helping a friend in need,
no matter the time or effort,
to the best of your ability,
...means LOYALTY.
Giving more than you have
and expecting nothing but nothing in return
Holding your head high,
and being the best you know you can be,
when life seems to fall apart at your feet,
facing each difficulty with the daring,
that time will bring you better tomorrow's,
and never giving up,
...means CONFIDENCE.
To the question of your life,
you are the only answer.
To the problems of your life,
you are the only SOLUTION.
from: bobby