
नारी - आफ्नो बाधक आँफै

कुनै पनि नारी आफु अगाडि बढ्न कसैलाई दोष थुपार्छिन् भने उनी आफ्नो बाधक आँफै हुन। सन्कुचित, कमजोर, आत्मबिश्वास नभएकाले तर्कनका लागि अरुलाई आफ्नो तगारो ठानेर पन्छिन खोज्छ्न, होइन भने असम्भब भन्ने केही कुरा छैन मात्र आफुमा आत्मबिश्वास भन्ने चिज हुन पर्‍यो।

केही कुरा पनि सजिलै पाउन सकिदैन हरेक सानो कुराको लागि संघर्ष गर्नु पर्छ । मलाई हेलन केलर एकदम मन पर्छ उनि बोल्न सक्दिनथिइन, सुन्दिनथिइन, आखा पनि देख्दिनथिन् तर उनले कसरी संसार सामु आफुलाई चिनाउन सफल भैइन।हामी आईमाइहरु अरुको एकदम छिट्टै सिको गर्ने कला हुन्छ , अरु बाट राम्रो कुराको सिको गरेर यो कला को सदुपयोग गर्ने हो कि?

नारी मा एक प्रकारको शक्ती हुन्छ यही शक्तिका कारणनै उनले घर परिवार सबैको मन जितेर बसेकि हुन्छिन अनि सबै भन्दा उच्च ठाउमा आमा हुन्छिन अनि सबै भन्दा प्यारो शब्द "आमा" भन्ने उनकै हुन्छ। केटि मान्छे अरुको लागि त पक्कै शक्ति बन्छिन् तर आफ्नै लागि किन कमजोर त?

जब वाध्यता र परिस्थितीले आफ्नो अस्मिता बेच्न वाध्य छु भन्ने आईमाइ भेट्छु तब मलाई ढुङ्गा उचालेर हिर्काउन मन लाग्छ । यो त बाहाना मात्रै हो खुल्ला रुपले स्विकार्न नसकेर बाध्य्ता, परिस्थिती अनी पारिवारिक कारण देखाइ चोखिन खोज्छन होइन भने संसारमा यसबाहेक हजारौ काम छ मात्रै सँघर्ष गर्न तयार हुन पर्छ।

नारी मायाकी खानी हुन् उनले यसलाई नै सही हतियार बनाउन सक्छिन , असम्भवलाई सम्भव बनाउन सक्छिन्, गलतलाई सही बनाउन सक्छिन नराम्रोलाई राम्रो बनाउन सक्छिन बिग्रेकोलाई सपार्न सक्छिन । यदी घर परिवार बाधक छन भने प्रेम पुर्वक समझदारी पुर्वक आफ्नो परिवारलाई रिझाउन सकिन्छ आफ्नो ममतारुपी तापले पगाल्न सकिन्छ । एकचोटि मेरा प्यारा दिदिबहिनीहरु कोशीस गर्नुहोस् It really works!!!

जब तपाईं घर बाट बाहिर निस्कनु हुन्छ त्यसपछी भिड्भाड् युक्त माइक्रो वा बसमा चढनु हुन्छ जानी जानी अथवा अन्जानमा तपाईंको सम्बेदन्शिल अङगमा थिचिन्छ अनी छुइन्छ , त्यसपछि तपाईं अफिस मा पुग्नु हुन्छ आफुलाई २० जना पुरुषको बिचमा एक्लो पाउनु हुन्छ अफिसका कामकाज, ठुला बडा मान्छे सँग बिजनेस डिल, समयमै सक्नुपर्ने डेडलाइन - यि कुरा घरमा भात पकाए जस्ता सजिला अवस्य छैनन तर सबैलाई कसरी लिने अनी आफु अगाडि कसरी बढ्ने भन्ने कुरा आफैमा भर पर्छ।

त्यसैले हाम्रा अगाडि हजारौ बाधा अडचन छन् हरेक कुरामा अरुलाई दोष लगाएर साध्यनै छैन हामी त हरेक कुरा सँग जुधेर त्यससँग समाना गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ कसैलाई दोष थुपारेर आफु कहिले सम्म तर्कने, हामी आफैले पनि कमजोर मानसिकता लिएर बसेका हौ कि? हरेक अप्ठेरो भित्र सम्भावना हुन्छ अनी सम्भावनामै सफलता लुकेको हुन्छ । हरेक कुरामा पुरुष सँग दाजिन नखोजौ। अरुलाई दोष दिन छोडौ, अरुलाई बाधक भन्न छोडौ ।हामी आफै एकचोटी आफुलाई नियालेर हेरौ, कोशीस गरौ आफुले महसुस गरेका साङ्लाहरु चुडाउ, आफुमाथिका कमजोर मानसिकताका गाठाहरु फुकाउ अनी आफुरुपी बाधक लाई धेरै पछाडि छोडेर आत्मनिर्भरको पथतिर लम्कौ।

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who
cannot change their minds cannot change anything."

-- George Bernard Shaw


Anonymous said...

it is the fact that woman can convice a thing to other better and easier than man.It is likely more that a man will be convinced faster by a woman. In that sense, we can say that woman have more dealing power than man. i have read somewhere that woman are more sincere in work than man. If you see a working man then know that he is bearing one burden but if you see a working woman then know she is bearing two burdens ie family and work. So all the things combinely says that woman are not weak or have less energy . It is the situation or the lack of commitment a woman makes...Nice Posting archana sis...keep it up.

प्रज्वल said...

Black ma Rani Mukharji lai here pacchi balla Hellen Keller ko yaad aayo :)

Your thoughts are truely inspiring, but I feel the share of responsibilities should be fair as women's today no longer just a housewife. Both my parents were working, but my mom always had more household chores to deal with. I hope I can set a better example.

Anonymous said...

yes u right archana, i agree with u and ashish.

"nari ta mahan hun harek kura ko bhandaar ki rani hun, like: maya mamata, and works."

If they do work properly and manage time then great else nth.

and one thing today's some woman r talks more about else than do self sth so its better to change themself and do sth good.



p.s. i hope from this ur blog
"नारी - आफ्नो बाधक आँफै"
learn sth ... by woman :-)

Rajesh Tandukar said...

I agree with your view. IT was nice posting. You have posted lots of informative articles. I was really impressed. And thanks for your suggestion too.

Anonymous said...

Being a big fan of "evolutionary psychology", I know there are many things that makes us believe that men are from mars and women from venus.

Neither sex is superior. Each need the other. There are many reasons why women have been treated the way they were in the past but in this day and age, there is no reason for men to treat women as nothing more than a housewife and mother.

Following the latest scientific development, Science has not been able to create an artificial womb but women can cloned themselves without any contribution from men .. so in that sense, I thing women are slightly ahead... :) 'cause without reproduction it would be the death of all male species !! he he :)

Anonymous said...

great thoughts...from a great lady...

Mr Editor

Nepali Mystic said...

great thoughts...

Nirab Pudasaini said...

Nice posting there ....... Most of all i loved this paragraph
"जब वाध्यता र परिस्थितीले आफ्नो अस्मिता बेच्न वाध्य छु भन्ने आईमाइ भेट्छु तब मलाई ढुङ्गा चालेर हिर्काउन मन लाग्छ । यो त बाहाना मात्रै हो खुल्ला रुपले स्विकार्न नसकेर बाध्य्ता, परिस्थिती अनी पारिवारिक कारण देखाइ चोखिन खोज्छन होइन भने संसारमा यसबाहेक हजारौ काम छ मात्रै सँघर्ष गर्न तयार हुन पर्छ।"
Hamro desh ma neri matra hoina sabai lai afnu dosh aru ma thuparni rog chaa ......... edi agadi badnu nai chaa bhaney afnu galti lai swikarera teslai shudhar garera matra agadai badna sakinchaa ......

"Following the latest scientific development, Science has not been able to create an artificial womb but women can cloned themselves without any contribution from men .. so in that sense, I thing women are slightly ahead... :) 'cause without reproduction it would be the death of all male species !! he he :)"

Did you really follow the scientific development or are you just lacking common sense because cloning would be equally applicable to male beings as well . But i guess you meant to say that even for cloning you would need eggs from the women's womb so women could exist without men but men could not ????????? but still even if it was for survival non of the male and female could exist independently ...... give some thought to it ..........

Anonymous said...

If women decide not to clone men, we can't do it for ourselves.. 'cause we will need a womb and an egg..

Woman can extract DNA from their own cell and put in in there egg to create a clone of themselves so no men needed...

hey, Women will always need men.. otherwise, who would change the lightbulb for them when it goes kaput !!! hehe

अम्बिका गिरी said...

You are absulotly right archana ji, Its our own problem to think weakess.......