अहिले म जुन भाडो अगाडी बसेको ब्लग टाईप गरिरहेछु, कति गाउले दिदी बहिनि/दाजु,भाईको लागि यो त रहश्यमय बक्सा नै होला नेपालको डाटा केलाएर हेर्ने हो भने प्रत्येक एक हजार जनामा ३२ जनाले टेलिफोन लाइन पाउछन्, ८ जनाले टिभि, ३९ जनाले रेडियो र ५ जनाले मात्र कम्प्युटर चलाउन पाउछन् ।
यो डाटालाई पनि शहरी क्षेत्रले मात्र धानेको होला गाउको ५% मात्र होला यो डाटालाई कसरी बढाउदै लाने त भन्दा यो काम त सरकारकै हो भनौला तर यहाँ एउटा एस्तो सफलताको कहाँनी लेख्दै छु जस्को अथक प्रयासले म्याग्दी जस्तो ठाउँमा ईन्टरनेटको सुबिधा त्यहाँका मानिसले पाइरहेका छन् ।
मलाई त जहिले पनि गाउको बिकास नभै शहरको बिकास हुँदैन जस्तो लाग्छ र गाउले नै देश को प्रतिबिम्ब देखाउछ र यो कुरा लाई म्याग्दीका महावीर पुन ले प्रमाणित गर्दै कम्प्युटर मार्फत आफ्ना गाउबासी लाई बिश्व शयर गराइदिएका छन् । अब कथा अगाडि बढाउ, १९९७ मा महावीर पुनले पहिलो चोटि ईन्टरनेट जोडने इच्छा राख्न्नु भो । त्यतिबेला हिमान्चल स्कुलमा चारवटा अस्ट्रलियन विद्यार्थीले उपहार दिएको कम्प्युटर थिए । तर त्यतिबेला त्यहाँ ईन्टरनेट जोडन फोन लाइन थिएन, satellite फोन को लागि राजनीतिज्ञ हरुलाई धेरै चोटि पुकार्दा पनि वास्ता गरेनन् ।
तर उहांले हिम्मत हार्नु भएनछ । २००१ मा बिबिसी लाई उहांले सस्तो ईन्टरनेट जुन गाउंको लागि उपयुक्त छ त्यस्को बारेमा बत्ताईदिन एउटा लेख पठाउनु भयेको रहेछ । बिबिसि को त्यो लेख प्रसारन पछि बिभिन्न देशका मान्छे ले सहयोग का हात बढायेर उहालाइ भरपुर इन्फर्मेसन दिएछ्न र पछि बिभिन्न देशका मान्छे आएर महावीर पुनसगै wireless networking का लागि धेरै
टेस्ट गरेछन् । खुशीको कुरा त्यो त सफल भएछ ।
बिभिन्न देशका मान्छेहरुको सहयोगमा ७ बर्ष पछी यो प्रोजेक्ट सफल भएछ अगस्त २२,२००३ देखि वाएरलेस एकुइप्मेन्टले काम गरेको र त्यहाँ देखि निरन्तर रुपमा इन्टरनेट को सुबिधा म्याग्दीबासीले लिन पाएका रहेछन ।
दुखको कुरा पनि छ नेपाल सरकारले अहिलेसम्म लाइसेन दिएको रैनछ, टेक्निकल्ली यो networking अबैधानीक हुन्छ जस्ले गर्दा आफुलाई चाँहीएको equipment जस्तै Wi-fi radios र antenna बिदेश बाट ल्याउन नपाईने हुन्छ । तर उहा ले हिम्मत हार्नु भएको छैन ईंग्लिशमा एउटा भनाई छ नि " where there's a will, there's a way" त्य्हीलाई साथ लिदै अशम्भब लाई सम्भब बनाउदै आउनु भएको छ ।
अहिले महावीर पुन Nepal Wireless Networking Project को टिम लिडर हुनुहुन्छ र यो सुबिधा कास्की, पर्बत र म्याग्दी जिल्ला भरि बिस्तार गर्ने योजनामा हुनुहुन्छ ।
महावीर पुन जस्ता हरेक गाउमा जन्मन पर्छ अनि मात्रै हाम्रो गाउको बिकास हुन सक्छ, उहाको राम्रो कामलाई सलाम छ ।
Picture source: nepalwireless website
Data info : various website
my nepal, my pride, my slide
I always admire Nepal's beauty. Today i got some time to create slide. It may take few minute to load. Thanks to all photographer for beautiful pictures.
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs!!
New rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, thhe olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghtit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos nto raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, thhe olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghtit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos nto raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! :)
प्रेमी प्रेमिकाको पिडा भ्यालेन्टाइन डे मा
भ्यालेन्टाइन डे भनेर कलेज, अफिस् ले सार्वजनिक बिदा नदिने, बिचरा कत्ती जनाको त यहि भ्यालेन्टाइन डे मै प्रेमको गाठो कसौला भनेर सोचिराख्नु भएको होला, कत्तिले त आफ्नो मन पराएको मान्छे सँग हिंडेको, डुलेको कुराहरु सम्झेर मनमा लड्डु फुराइ सक्नु भो होला, प्रेमी प्रेमिका नहुनेको को त एउटा पिडा छँदै छ हुनेलाई पनि टेन्सन नै छ ।
शायद तपाईंहरु पनि यस्तै यस्तै सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ होला अब त्यो दिन कहाँ जाने, के गर्ने, कसरी मनाउने फेरी येतिकै साथीसँग हिंडे पनि जोडी को बिल्ला लगाइदेलान् भन्ने डर।
अहो कलेज टाईममा पो रमाइलो हुन्थ्यो त सबैको आँखा जोडी माथि पर्ने , हा हा अर्काको खुब चासो हुने । त्यो दिन त घर मा ढिलो गएपनि अहो ल कतै घुमेर आये जस्तो हुने। कसैसँग हिंडे पनि पसल् बाट पनि टाउको निकालि निकालि हेर्ने अनि बाइक् बाट पनि फर्कि फर्कि हेर्ने। फेरि क्यामेरा लियेको मान्छे देख्यो कि डर् लाग्ने यो पत्रकार् होकि फेरी फोटो झ्याम् खिचेर पत्रीकामा छाप्यो भने बर्बाद्। येस्तै येस्तै पिडा।
कलेज टाइम सकियो अफिस् गर्न थलियो । के गर्ने अफिस् त आउनै पर्यो, त्यो दिन त सबै बातावरण नै रोमान्टिक क्या । साथी हरु ले त मलाई भोज खुवाउन पर्छ रे अबुइ मेरो विवाह हो र भोज
खुवाउनलाई अचम्म छ बा ।
अब एउटा रमाइलो कुरा भनौ भ्यालेन्टाइन डेको दिन हाम्रा हाकिम एती बिघ्न रोमान्टिक भएछन कि बेस्करी perfume लगाएर आएछन अहो त्यो बास ले त मलाई रुघा नै लगाइदियो।
अब Association र मुक्ती मोर्चा खोल्ने फेसन आएको बेला प्रेमी प्रेमिका को पनि Association र मुक्ती मोर्चा खोल्ने होकी? जस्ले मायालु जोडी को हक हित को लागि लड्ने ।
हा हा जस्तै कि :
१. प्रेमी प्रेमिका को लागि माया गर्ने बातावरण मिलाइदिने ।
२. प्रेमिकाका दाइ र बाउ लाई बिशेष Counseling दिने ।
३. भ्यालेन्टाइन डे मा सबैलाइ छुट्टी दिने जस्ले गर्दा single चाँही double होस्
अनि double को माया झन बढोस् ।
४ . भ्यालेन्टाइन डे को दिन कलेज बाट ढिलो आए पनि घरमा सवाल जवाफ गर्न नपाईने ।
५. प्रेमी प्रेमिका पार्क बनाउने तेस्मा सन्कास्पद बेक्ती (दाई, बाउ, काका, हजुरबुवा) लाई छिर्न नदिने
यस्तै यस्तै अरु कुरा साथी हरु ले कमेन्ट बक्स मा थप्नु होला ।
हा हा, मैले त भन्देको मात्रै हो, हाम्रो साथी हरु त जोशिला हुनुहुन्छ फेरी साच्चै खुल्ला नि Nepal Lover Association.
लब गरेको था पा भे त खुट्टा सुट्टा भाचेर घरमै राख्नु हुन्थ्यो होला
शायद तपाईंहरु पनि यस्तै यस्तै सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ होला अब त्यो दिन कहाँ जाने, के गर्ने, कसरी मनाउने फेरी येतिकै साथीसँग हिंडे पनि जोडी को बिल्ला लगाइदेलान् भन्ने डर।
अहो कलेज टाईममा पो रमाइलो हुन्थ्यो त सबैको आँखा जोडी माथि पर्ने , हा हा अर्काको खुब चासो हुने । त्यो दिन त घर मा ढिलो गएपनि अहो ल कतै घुमेर आये जस्तो हुने। कसैसँग हिंडे पनि पसल् बाट पनि टाउको निकालि निकालि हेर्ने अनि बाइक् बाट पनि फर्कि फर्कि हेर्ने। फेरि क्यामेरा लियेको मान्छे देख्यो कि डर् लाग्ने यो पत्रकार् होकि फेरी फोटो झ्याम् खिचेर पत्रीकामा छाप्यो भने बर्बाद्। येस्तै येस्तै पिडा।
कलेज टाइम सकियो अफिस् गर्न थलियो । के गर्ने अफिस् त आउनै पर्यो, त्यो दिन त सबै बातावरण नै रोमान्टिक क्या । साथी हरु ले त मलाई भोज खुवाउन पर्छ रे अबुइ मेरो विवाह हो र भोज
खुवाउनलाई अचम्म छ बा ।
अब एउटा रमाइलो कुरा भनौ भ्यालेन्टाइन डेको दिन हाम्रा हाकिम एती बिघ्न रोमान्टिक भएछन कि बेस्करी perfume लगाएर आएछन अहो त्यो बास ले त मलाई रुघा नै लगाइदियो।
अब Association र मुक्ती मोर्चा खोल्ने फेसन आएको बेला प्रेमी प्रेमिका को पनि Association र मुक्ती मोर्चा खोल्ने होकी? जस्ले मायालु जोडी को हक हित को लागि लड्ने ।
हा हा जस्तै कि :
१. प्रेमी प्रेमिका को लागि माया गर्ने बातावरण मिलाइदिने ।
२. प्रेमिकाका दाइ र बाउ लाई बिशेष Counseling दिने ।
३. भ्यालेन्टाइन डे मा सबैलाइ छुट्टी दिने जस्ले गर्दा single चाँही double होस्
अनि double को माया झन बढोस् ।
४ . भ्यालेन्टाइन डे को दिन कलेज बाट ढिलो आए पनि घरमा सवाल जवाफ गर्न नपाईने ।
५. प्रेमी प्रेमिका पार्क बनाउने तेस्मा सन्कास्पद बेक्ती (दाई, बाउ, काका, हजुरबुवा) लाई छिर्न नदिने
यस्तै यस्तै अरु कुरा साथी हरु ले कमेन्ट बक्स मा थप्नु होला ।
हा हा, मैले त भन्देको मात्रै हो, हाम्रो साथी हरु त जोशिला हुनुहुन्छ फेरी साच्चै खुल्ला नि Nepal Lover Association.
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लब गरेको था पा भे त खुट्टा सुट्टा भाचेर घरमै राख्नु हुन्थ्यो होला
love is all around....
February is said to be the month of love as even we love our loved ones all the time. This month could be so special because of the so called western Valentines Day but as for me this day has given an opportunity to pour my feelings for my loved ones.
Here comes my dad who’s soft spoken and hardly speaks a word without a reason. He’s always been a source of inspiration to me by his passion towards his job, duties, responsibilities and the Education he have pursued and still continuing. I still remember those festival days Esp. Dashain which is considered to be the festival of fun and happiness for children, it used to be more than special for getting new dresses and shoes etc. My dad used to say " छोरी अहिले जे लुगा छ तेहि लगाउ, धेरै खर्च गर्न हुँदैन” I had never gone against his word and never demanded for new cloths. But that made me feel deep in my heart to grow and buy lots of clothes for me and for my dad also. He’s really worth to this world. I know he has given his face to me to make him proud and I won't let you down. I love u dad.
Everyone loves their family and so do I, but at the moment I am missing my sister who used to be my right hand to help me in every aspect. I know you are having hard time for a good reason of pursuing better University Degree. Miss you and love you a lot Julie.
Firstly I convey love towards my mom and dad and have a great gratitude towards my mom to make me strong girl. My mom has taught me to fight and come forward in this competitive world and taught me to respect elders beside respecting & understanding my feelings. I have those fresh memories of getting 1 rupee from her while attending school and never asked for more and never complained against this. As you know 1 rupee is so less. This single Rupee have always been a source of inspiration to me and made me felt of pursuing good education and in returns of 1 rupee, I wanted to earn more & wanted to give her lots of money. I thank you for this mom & I love u a lot. Hee hee. Rest let me continue in mother’s day.
Here comes my dad who’s soft spoken and hardly speaks a word without a reason. He’s always been a source of inspiration to me by his passion towards his job, duties, responsibilities and the Education he have pursued and still continuing. I still remember those festival days Esp. Dashain which is considered to be the festival of fun and happiness for children, it used to be more than special for getting new dresses and shoes etc. My dad used to say " छोरी अहिले जे लुगा छ तेहि लगाउ, धेरै खर्च गर्न हुँदैन” I had never gone against his word and never demanded for new cloths. But that made me feel deep in my heart to grow and buy lots of clothes for me and for my dad also. He’s really worth to this world. I know he has given his face to me to make him proud and I won't let you down. I love u dad.
Everyone loves their family and so do I, but at the moment I am missing my sister who used to be my right hand to help me in every aspect. I know you are having hard time for a good reason of pursuing better University Degree. Miss you and love you a lot Julie.
Here comes my boyfriend who’s very much important in my life as we have walked a long journey together and still have to go long way with lots of love and happiness. It’s a fact that there comes many hurdles in life, but you’ve always encouraged me to face it with strength and overcome it. You are my friend, you are my love, you are my supporter,you are my partner and I am so honored to get your love & care. You have always taught me to follow own heart, own conscience and live life with respect. You have always been there to share my sorrows and happiness. At this time I really thank you and love you lodes. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you soooooo much. धेरै धेरै माया गर्छु । :) :) :)
Lastly, I want to share my gratitude and thank all my well wisher, my friends, my customer from world wide, my criticizer(they made me strong), my staffs, my team member and my supporter from the core of my heart for always being with me and making me feel proud.
We all are here to love each other lets think positive and let's have peace.
Happy Valentine day to all!!!
Netherland’s Software Company in Banepa IT Park
Finally Netherland’s Software Company called “Javra software” expanded their office in Nepal. The contracts with the government and suppliers were signed at the beginning of March, 2006.
They think about Nepal has excellent university education in ICT and a positive climate in which ICT companies in Kathmandu can operate. They said "Nepal still has many highly educated ICT professionals who are available at reasonable rates, while in India there is a scarcity and the thinking of the new generation of ICT professionals in Nepal fits in well with that of their clients."
They are enthusiastic about the local developments and hopes that the decision to expand to Nepal will enable them not only to keep their clientIs satisfied, but also make a contribution to high-quality employment opportunity in this wonderful country, a country that is no longer just beautiful, hospitable and friendly, but is now also – despite the constant political wrangling – a very promising location in the field of ICT indeed.
source: javra website.
They think about Nepal has excellent university education in ICT and a positive climate in which ICT companies in Kathmandu can operate. They said "Nepal still has many highly educated ICT professionals who are available at reasonable rates, while in India there is a scarcity and the thinking of the new generation of ICT professionals in Nepal fits in well with that of their clients."
They are enthusiastic about the local developments and hopes that the decision to expand to Nepal will enable them not only to keep their clientIs satisfied, but also make a contribution to high-quality employment opportunity in this wonderful country, a country that is no longer just beautiful, hospitable and friendly, but is now also – despite the constant political wrangling – a very promising location in the field of ICT indeed.
source: javra website.
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